

The recommended method to install pdemtools is with conda:

conda install pdemtools -c conda-forge

or with mamba:

mamba install pdemtools -c conda-forge

It is also possible to install pdemtools with pip:

pip install pdemtools

However, there are known errors when installing the GDAL package with pip, meaning that the GDAL dependency may create an error when installing through pip. If this occurs, please ensure GDAL is installed on your system by other means prior to installing through pip, or revert to using conda.

Developer install#

For development purposes, pdemtools can be cloned from the Github repoository, and installed in your Python environment installed locally using pip. A conda environment configuration file is included for rapid set-up.

# Clone the pdemtools github repository
git clone

# Move to pdemtools directory
cd pdemtools

# Initiate a new conda environment with dependencies
conda env create -f environment.yml -n pdemtools_env
conda activate pdemtools_env

# Install pdemtools
pip install -e .

pdemtools has built-in unit tests, which can be run by installing pytest into the same environment and entering the commend pytest whilst in the top directory.