pdemtools.search function


pdemtools.search function#

pdemtools.search(index_fpath: str, bounds: tuple | Polygon | None = None, min_aoi_frac: float | None = None, dates: str | tuple | None = None, months: int | tuple | None = None, years: int | tuple | None = None, baseline_max_hours: int | None = None, sensors: str | tuple | None = None, is_xtrack: bool | None = None, accuracy: float | tuple | None = None)#

Efficiently search the ArcticDEM and REMA strip index files provided by the Polar Geospatial Center.

  • index_fpath (str) – Filepath to a local copy of the ArcticDEM or REMA strip index file, available from the Polar Geospatial Center. For speed, it is tecommended that the index is .parquet format.

  • bounds (tuple | Polygon, optional) – Filter to strips that intersect with bounds [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], in EPSG:3413 (ArcticDEM) or EPSG:3031 (REMA). Accepts a tuple or a shapely.Polygon geometry to extract bounds from.

  • min_aoi_frac (float, optional) – Filter to strips than cover more the defined fraction of the area of interest (defined by the bounds variable). Must be between 0 and 1, and bounds must be defined.

  • dates (str | tuple, optional) – Filter strips to a date range. Dates can be provided as a tuple of two strings, or a single string with a / seperator. Date strings must be interpetable by the pandas.to_datetime() tool.

  • months (tuple, optional) – Filter strips to only certain months. Provide as a tuple of integers (e.g. for June, July, August strips only, set months = [6,7,8]).

  • years (tuple, optional) – Filter strips to only certain yeara. Provide as a tuple of integers (e.g. for 2011 and 2021 only, set years = [2011,2021]).

  • baseline_max_hours (int, optional) – Filter strips to only those constructed from stereopairs acquired less than the provided number of hours apart.

  • sensors (tuple, optional) – Filter scenes to only those consrtructed from the provided satellite sensors. Full list is [“WV03”, “WV02”, “WV01”, “GE01”]

  • is_xtrack (bool, optional) – Filter based on whether stereopairs are cross-track imagery. True = return only cross-track. False = return only non-cross-track.

  • accuracy (float | tuple, optional) – Filter to strip accuracies based on the provided average height accuracy in metres (rmse in the strip index). NB that this column included NaN values (-1.0) so the option is provided to include only a single value as an upper range (e.g. 2), or a tuple of two values in order to include a lower bound and filter NaN values (e.g [0, 2]).


Strip index filtered to desired variables.

Return type:
