Iceberg detection#

The ocean- and iceberg-filtering tools in pDEMtools were built upon the methods of Shiggins et al. (2023), which was originally intended to identify icebergs. Hence, we can use the pDEMtool functions to also extract iceberg geometry!

import os

import pdemtools as pdt

As well as pdemtools, we will also make use of matplotlib to plot our results in this notebook.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Arial"

# %matplotlib widget

Finding a strip#

Let’s have a look at the icebergs in Kangerdlugssuaq fjord:


index_fpath = '.../ArcticDEM_Strip_Index_s2s041_gpqt.parquet' bounds = (490000,-2302000,510000,-2290000) gdf = index_fpath, bounds, dates = '20160101/20221231', months = [6,7,8,9], baseline_max_hours = 24, sensors=['WV03', 'WV02', 'WV01'], min_aoi_frac = 0.7, ) gdf = gdf.sort_values('acqdate1') print(f'{len(gdf)} strips found')

6 strips found

# ================= # SCENE TO PREVIEW i = 2 # ================= preview = pdt.load.preview(gdf.iloc[[i]], bounds) plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout='constrained') preview.plot(cmap='Greys_r', add_colorbar=False) gdf.iloc[[i]].plot(ax=ax, fc='none', ec='tab:red') ax.set_title(gdf.iloc[[i]][0])
Text(0.5, 1.0, '2017-07-08')
i = 2

date = gdf.iloc[i].acqdate1 dem_id = gdf.iloc[i].dem_id

Downloading the 2 m strips, as always, may take quite a while. So let’s download here but also make sure to save so that we can simple load next time we come back:

if not os.path.exists('example_data'):

dem = pdt.load.from_search(gdf.iloc[i], bounds=bounds, bitmask=True)
dem.compute()  # rioxarray uses lazy evaluation, so we can force the download using the `.compute()` function.'example_data', f'{dem_id}.tif'), compress='ZSTD', predictor=3, zlevel=1)

When returning to this notebook, we can now just load from the local filepath:

dem = pdt.load.from_fpath(os.path.join('example_data', f'{dem_id}.tif'), bounds=bounds)

Let’s also calculate the hillshade, to overlay and aid visualisation:

hillshade = dem.pdt.terrain('hillshade', hillshade_multidirectional=True, hillshade_z_factor=2)

Geoid correction#

Our first move will be to geoid correct the dem.

By taking advantage of a local copy of the Greenland or Antarctica BedMachine, the data module’s geoid_from_bedmachine() function can be used to quickly extract a valid geoid, reprojected and resampled to match the study area:

bedmachine_fpath = '.../'

geoid =, dem)

If you wish to use a different geoid (for instance, you are interested in a region outside of Greenland or Antarctica) you can also use your own geoid, loaded via xarray. To aid with this, a geoid_from_raster() function is also included in the data module, accepting a filepath to a rioxarray.open_rasterio()-compatible file type.

We can then correct the DEM using geoid and the .pdt.geoid_correct() function.

dem = dem.pdt.geoid_correct(geoid)

Sea level filtering#

We can also filter out sea level from geoid-corrected DEMs, adapting the method of Shiggins et al. (2023) to detect sea level.

In this workflow, sea-level is defined as the modal 0.25 m histogram bin between +10 and -10 metres above the geoid. If there is not at least 1 km2 of surface between these values, then the DEM is considered to have no signficant ocean surface. Following Shiggins et al. (2023), we will set the DEM surface to be masked as ocean where the surface is within 1.5 m of the detected sea level. All of these values can be modified as input variables depending on your use case (you can examing how to interfact with the function via help(dem.pdt.mask_ocean() or consult the readthedocs API reference).

Note that we will add the variable return_sealevel_as_zero=True to our mask_ocean() function. This subtracts the estimated sea level from the final DEM, meaning that the 0 m surface for the DEM is now the newly estimated sea level. This means that iceberg height values will now accurately reflect their height above the sea surface.

dem_masked = dem.pdt.mask_ocean(near_sealevel_thresh_m=1.5, return_sealevel_as_zero=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4.3))

dem_masked.plot(ax=ax, cmap='turbo', vmin=0, vmax=100, cbar_kwargs={'label': 'Height [m]'})
# hillshade.plot(ax=ax, cmap='Greys_r', alpha=.3, add_colorbar=False)

ax.set_title(f'Kangerlussuaq Fjord (ocean-masked), {date}')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Kangerlussuaq Fjord (ocean-masked), 2017-07-08 22:47:46')

This will filter out values close to the sea surface (within 1.5 m, according to the variable we have set above), but retain terrestrial land and ice. Note that the near-front region is not masked efficiently, as it is a contiguous proglacial mélange that mostly lies above the 1.5 m threshold. If we were interested in extracting only the larger icebergs and filtering out the mélange, we could increase the near_sealevel_thresh_m value. However, this would likewise filter out smaller icebergs in the open fjord. Shiggins et al. (2023) also get around this by manually clipping the analysis region to a central region of the fjord where no mélange enters throughout the time-series.

To extract only icebergs, we can filter out larger groups of pixels. pDEMtools offers this function as part of the .pdt.mask_icebergs() function, which wraps the cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats function to filter out contiguous areas beneath a provided area threshold (defaults to 1e6 m2, i.e. 1 km2). By default, it masks out regions beneath the threshold (i.e. keeping land/ice and removing icebergs) - we can alter this behaviour by setting the retain_icebergs flag to True.

dem_masked_bergs = dem_masked.pdt.mask_icebergs(area_thresh_m2=1e6, retain_icebergs=True)

This gives us a nice first pass at an iceberg map:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4.3))

dem_masked_bergs.plot(ax=ax, cmap='turbo', vmin=0, vmax=100, cbar_kwargs={'label': 'Exposed Iceberg Height [m]'})
hillshade.plot(ax=ax, cmap='Greys_r', alpha=.3, add_colorbar=False)

ax.set_title(f'Height of icebergs in Kangerlussuaq Fjord, {date}')

plt.savefig('../images/example_iceberg_height.jpg', dpi=300)

Note again that the immediate proglacial mélange is not picked up as icebergs. This is because it is one contiguous mass greater than 1 km2, so is filtered out by the .pdt.mask_icebergs() algorithm.

Calculating simple iceberg distribution statistics can be easily done by making use of the label and regionprops function of scitkit-image:

import skimage.measure
import numpy as np

# Generate boolean mask in int8 format for cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats()
binary_mask = (~np.isnan(dem_masked_bergs.values)).astype(np.int8).squeeze()

# Generate labelled image
labeled_image, count = skimage.measure.label(binary_mask, return_num=True)

# Calculate statistics of labelled regions
objects = skimage.measure.regionprops(label_image=labeled_image, intensity_image=dem_masked_bergs.values)

# Extract desired iceberg statistic
resolution = 2
areas = [o['area'] * resolution**2 for o in objects]
volumes = [np.nansum(o['image_intensity'] * resolution**2) for o in objects]

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(10,3))

fig.suptitle(f'Iceberg statistics for Kangerlussuaq fjord, {date}')

ax = axes[0]
ax.hist(areas, bins=200, log=True, cumulative=True, histtype='step')
ax.set_xlim(None, max(areas))
ax.set_xlabel('Icberg area (m$^{2}$)')
ax.set_title('Area cumulative histogram')

ax = axes[1]
ax.hist(volumes, bins=200, log=True, cumulative=True, histtype='step')
ax.set_xlim(None, max(volumes))
ax.set_xlabel('Subaerial iceberg volume (m$^{3}$)')
ax.set_title('Volume cumulative histogram')

ax = axes[2]
ax.scatter(areas, volumes, marker='.', s=1)
ax.set_xlabel('Icberg area (m$^{2}$)')
ax.set_ylabel('Supramarine iceberg volume (m$^{3}$)')
ax.set_title('Area vs Volume')

Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Area vs Volume')