

A software paper is being prepared for the Journal of Open Source Software. In the meantime, the use of the pDEMtools package can be cited as follows:

Chudley, T. R. and Howat, I. M. (2024) pDEMtools (vX.X.X). GitHub.

or by using bibtex:

   author = {Chudley, Thomas R. and Howat, Ian M.}, title = {pDEMtools}, year = 2024, publisher = {GitHub}, version = {X.X.X}, url = {} 

When using ArcticDEM and REMA products, please cite the datasets appropriately and acknowledge the PGC.

Several algorithms implemented in the library were developed by others. These will be highlighted in the documentation, and the original authors should be properly cited when used. For example:

We masked sea ice and melange following the method of Shiggins et al. (2023) as implemented in pDEMtools (Chudley and Howat, 2024).