Strip search and coregistraion#

import os

import pdemtools as pdt

As well as pdemtools, we will also make use of matplotlib to plot our results in this notebook.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Arial"

# %matplotlib widget

We will also need to provide the local location of the ArcticDEM strip index and ArcticDEM bedmachine product:


index_fpath = '.../ArcticDEM_Strip_Index_s2s041_gpqt.parquet' bm_fpath = '.../'

Searching for strips#

For the example here, let’s example recent surface elevation change across KIV Steenstrups Nordre Bræ (where we know significant change occurred between 2016 and 2021).

Let’s set an appropriate bounding box (in EPSG:3413 / Polar Stereographic North), and set further filtering choices to limit our options to high-quality, summer scenes that cover at least 70% of the bounding box:


bounds = (459000, -2539000, 473000, -2528000) gdf = index_fpath, bounds, dates = '20170101/20221231', months = [6,7,8,9], years = [2017,2021], baseline_max_hours = 24, sensors=['WV03', 'WV02', 'WV01'], accuracy=2, min_aoi_frac = 0.7, ) gdf = gdf.sort_values('acqdate1') print(f'{len(gdf)} strips found')
6 strips found

The function returns a geopandas geodataframe, which we can visualise as with any other dataframe:

gdf[['dem_id', 'acqdate1', 'acqdate2']]
dem_id acqdate1 acqdate2
175143 SETSM_s2s041_WV01_20170607_1020010063D4CE00_10... 2017-06-07 16:36:42 2017-06-07 16:37:31
175148 SETSM_s2s041_WV01_20170624_1020010060B7D000_10... 2017-06-24 16:35:53 2017-06-24 16:36:43
175138 SETSM_s2s041_WV03_20170728_104001002E870C00_10... 2017-07-28 14:06:24 2017-07-28 14:05:24
175116 SETSM_s2s041_WV02_20170829_103001006F1D6400_10... 2017-08-29 14:23:03 2017-08-29 14:21:43
175106 SETSM_s2s041_WV03_20210715_104001006A09A000_10... 2021-07-15 13:56:37 2021-07-15 13:55:42
175144 SETSM_s2s041_WV02_20210731_10300100C359CF00_10... 2021-07-31 14:10:48 2021-07-31 14:09:25

There’s still no guarantee that these scenes will be of high quality - so we can make use of the load.preview() function to download a 10 m hillshade that will help us quickly asses strip quality:


# ================= # SCENE TO PREVIEW i = 5 # ================= preview = pdt.load.preview(gdf.iloc[[i]], bounds) plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout='constrained') preview.plot(cmap='Greys_r', add_colorbar=False) gdf.iloc[[i]].plot(ax=ax, fc='none', ec='tab:red') ax.set_title(gdf.iloc[[i]][0])
Text(0.5, 1.0, '2021-07-31')

By examining the individual strips one-by-one, we can manually identify the optimal scenes for our purpose. Here, I have selected the second and sixth strips (index positions 1 and 5)

selected_scenes = [1, 5]

Let’s save the selected scenes as a geopackage, so we can return to this later:

if not os.path.exists('example_data'):
gdf_sel = gdf.iloc[selected_scenes]


dem_id pairname stripdemid sensor1 sensor2 catalogid1 catalogid2 acqdate1 acqdate2 gsd ... avg_expect avg_sunel1 avg_sunel2 rmse fileurl s3url Shape_Leng Shape_Area geometry dem_baseline_days
83476 SETSM_s2s041_WV01_20170624_1020010060B7D000_10... WV01_20170624_1020010060B7D000_1020010063B5E200 WV01_20170624_1020010060B7D000_1020010063B5E20... WV01 WV01 1020010060B7D000 1020010063B5E200 2017-06-24 2017-06-24 2.0 ... 1.020010 42.000000 0.0 -9999.0 81506.304404 4.458097e+08 POLYGON ((459000.000 -2539000.000, 459000.000 ... 0
277660 SETSM_s2s041_WV02_20210731_10300100C359CF00_10... WV02_20210731_10300100C359CF00_10300100C37C8000 WV02_20210731_10300100C359CF00_10300100C37C800... WV02 WV02 10300100C359CF00 10300100C37C8000 2021-07-31 2021-07-31 2.0 ... 0.858702 41.629412 0.0 -9999.0 224106.736327 1.690805e+09 POLYGON ((471450.480 -2539000.000, 459000.000 ... 0

2 rows × 35 columns

Downloading the strips#

From the geopandas dataframe, we can extract key information such as the DEM ID and dates:

date_1 = gdf_sel.iloc[[0]][0]
dem_id_1 = gdf_sel.iloc[[0]].dem_id.values[0]

date_2 = gdf_sel.iloc[[1]][0]
dem_id_2 = gdf_sel.iloc[[1]].dem_id.values[0]

But we needn’t do all this just to downlad a strip, as the load.from_search() function will accept a dataframe row directly. Let’s make a little function to download and save the data - we can save the dem using the rioxarray accessor function .rio.to_raster():

def download_scene(gdf_row, dem_id, output_directory='example_data'):

    dem = pdt.load.from_search(gdf_row, bounds=bounds, bitmask=True)

    dem.compute()  # rioxarray uses lazy evaluation, so we can force the download using the `.compute()` function., f'{dem_id}.tif'), compress='ZSTD', predictor=3, zlevel=1)

    return dem

And now, we can select relevant rows from our geodataframe using the standard Pandax indexing method (DataFrame.iloc[[i]], where i is the desired row index)


dem_1 = download_scene(gdf_sel.iloc[[0]], dem_id_1)

dem_2 = download_scene(gdf_sel.iloc[[1]], dem_id_2)

These are 2 m strips that will take a while to download! However, if you have saved them locally, as we have above, getting them back into the script without downloading is as simple as using the load.from_fpath() function:


dem_1 = pdt.load.from_fpath(os.path.join('example_data', f'{dem_id_1}.tif'), bounds=bounds)

dem_2 = pdt.load.from_fpath(os.path.join('example_data', f'{dem_id_2}.tif'), bounds=bounds)

Let’s plot up one of the DEMs, taking advantage of the in-built hillshade generation function:

hillshade_1 = dem_1.pdt.terrain('hillshade', hillshade_multidirectional=True, hillshade_z_factor=2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout='constrained')

dem_1.plot(cmap='gist_earth', vmin=0, vmax=800, cbar_kwargs={'label': 'Elevation [metres above ellipsoid]'})

hillshade_1.plot(cmap='Greys_r', alpha=.5, add_colorbar=False)

Text(0.5, 1.0, '2021-07-31')

Coregistration and DEM differencing#

Rigorous DEM differencing necessitates coregistering scenes. pDEMtools includes a couple functions to make this quick and easy. Only provides one method of coregistration is provided, that of Nuth and Kääb (2011), which accounts for translation errors only. For further options (e.g. rotation correction), it is worth consulting the xdem package.

First, we must set a region of stable ground to coregister too. Around Antarctica and Greenland, we can base this on the mask included within BedMachine. The data.bedrock_mask_from_bedmachine() function makes this easy:

bedrock_mask =, dem_1)

Then we can coregister dem_2 against dem_1 using the .pdt.coregister() function. This is based on code used in the PGC postprocessing pipeline.

dem_2_coreg = dem_2.pdt.coregister(dem_1, bedrock_mask)
Planimetric Correction Iteration 1
Offset (z,x,y): 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
RMSE = 5.008943557739258
Planimetric Correction Iteration 2
Offset (z,x,y): -0.506, -5.149, -5.180
RMSE = 4.918196201324463
Planimetric Correction Iteration 3
Offset (z,x,y): -0.506, -10.298, -10.359
RMSE = 4.918196201324463
RMSE step in this iteration (0.00000) is above threshold (-0.001), stopping and returning values of prior iteration
Final offset (z,x,y): -0.506, -5.149, -5.180
Final RMSE = 4.918196201324463
Translating: -0.51 X, -5.15 Y, -5.18 Z
Translating in Z direction
Translating in XY direction.

Sometimes, if one of the DEMs is smaller than the clip region, this can fail. If this is the case, try padding the DEMs with NaN values to the full AOI, e.g.:

dem =*bounds, constant_values=np.nan)

Let’s compare and plot:

dz_coreg = (dem_2_coreg - dem_1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout='constrained', figsize=(7,4.7))

vrange = 200
dz_coreg.plot(cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-vrange, vmax=vrange, cbar_kwargs={'label': 'ΔZ [m]'})
hillshade_1.plot(cmap='Greys_r', alpha=.5, add_colorbar=False)

ax.set_title(f'{gdf_sel.iloc[[1]][0]} - {gdf_sel.iloc[[0]][0]}')

plt.savefig('../images/example_dem_difference.jpg', dpi=300)
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